Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Purchase Bit Coins

A lot of people are looking to purchase bit coins lately as the Bitcoin boom is still growing strong. Many websites are also beginning to accept Bitcoin as a method of payment for purchases. With such a strong out-come, Bitcoin is here to stay and is revolutionizing the way we do banking and pay for items.

Based on analytics and personal experience, I would like to recommend these 2 Bitcoin companies to use when purchasing Bit Coin.

Site #1 : Buy Bitcoin (

Buy Bitcoin opened its doors at the beginning of the Bitcoin boom and is well known for on-time delivery of Bitcoin. The company also offers a Guarantee on every purchase.

Site #2 : BitInstant (

BitInstant is a newer company and is very popular. Currently the company is in the construction phase and says that it will be back shortly.

The best tip that I have for you when purchasing Bitcoin from a website online is to buy a small amount to begin with. Once the seller successfully delivers your first order, only then should you order more. It also helps to avoid private sellers because the risk of being scammed is extremely high.

Written by: K. Thompson

Bitcoin Robbery

If you are interested in purchasing Bitcoin, you need to be aware of Bitcoin robbery. When purchasing Bitcoin online, you must always follow safety precautions. You must also avoid private sellers and schemes that seem too good to be true.

Whether you are new or old to Bitcoin, please read the advice below to ensure your purchase of Bitcoin is a safe one.

Question: How can people freely rob a person of Bitcoin?

Answer: Because Bitcoin is not regulated by any government, there is virtually no laws on the currency. You must always use verified sellers and buy in small amounts.

Question: How can I find verified Bitcoin sellers?

Answer: Reading reviews of consumers purchases with the company can be a good start in knowing if a company is reliable. Also, a quick Google or Yahoo search on a company can tell you a lot of things.

Question: Who do you recommend to buy Bitcoin from?

Answer: Many people ask me this question and I tell them these three sources: Buy Bitcoin, BitInstant and CoinBase.

Written by: K. Thompson

Bitcoin Scam

Purchasing goods and services online from less known companies can be very risky. It always helps to listen to what the consumers are saying about the seller, in particular, how many successful transactions the consumer has had with the seller. You can tell a lot about a company by reading what other people are saying about it.

Since Bitoin is not regulated by any government, there are virtually no laws to fall back on if a transaction goes bad. Because of this, you need to follow basic precautions so that you do not become a victim of a Bitcoin Scam.

Tip #1 - Find A Reputable Seller

It is always good to locate a reputable seller to deal with, however, this can be challenging if you are not internet savvy. My two suggestions are Buy Bitcoin and BitInstant. Both companies have great reputations amongst the Bitcoin community and deliver their orders safely and quickly.

Tip #2 - Buy Only 1 Bitcoin

Never buy more than 1 Bitcoin. If you are looking to purchase amounts larger than a single Bitcoin, I suggest that you start buying in small amounts from the seller before committing to any large amounts.

Tip #3 - Avoid In-person Transactions and Private Sellers

It may seem like a good idea to go and collect your Bitcoin in person, but think again - the possibility of you getting robbed for your cash is a reality. Bitcoin robberies are on the rise and you need to avoid in-person transactions at all costs. You should also avoid private sellers of Bitcoin on the internet, as the majority of them are scams. 

I hope that these tips will help you to avoid running into a Bitcoin scam. Use your common sense and always listen to your gut, they are most likely right. As the saying goes - if it sounds too good to be true, it usually isn't.

Written by: K. Thompson

Buy Bit Coin

Everyone has heard of Bitcoin by now, and if you haven't - the new digital currency is being accepted on thousands of new websites each day. What once was thought of as a bubble or bust is continuing to grow at a fast pace according to analysts.

Bit Coin (Bitcoin:BTC) is a new currency, and with a new currency comes a lot of questions. I am delighted to answer the top 2 questions that I am frequently asked about Bitcoins.

Question 1) How Do I Buy Bit Coin?

You can buy Bitcoin from a website online to be deposited into the e-wallet of your choicet. Additionally, you can also buy physical Bitcoin to be delivered to your home.

Question 2) Who Should I purchase Bit Coin from?

There are many different company's to purchase Bit Coin from. I would suggest submitting your order for BTC through Buy Bitcoin or BitInstant. Both company's are well known for great customer service and speedy delivery.

As with any online purchase, you must understand that purchasing Bitcoin can be very risky if you do not know who you are purchasing from. You must avoid private sellers and in-person meet-up's as they have linked to high rate of fraud and theft. Only purchase 1 Bitcoin from the seller of your choice before ordering larger amounts.

Written by: K. Thompson

Bit Coin USD

Are you looking to purchase Bitcoin with US Dollars (Bit Coin USD)? If so, I have written a few simple steps that you can follow to ensure that your purchase of Bitcoin is safe and secure.

Step 1 - Find a reputable Bitcoin Seller - This can be a very tricky step if you do not know who you are dealing with or you do not know where to look. The best way to find a reputable Bit Coin Seller is to listen to what is working for other people. Buy Bitcoin and BitInstant are 2 great websites to purchase your Bit Coin from.

Step 2 - Decide how much Bitcoin you would like to purchase - I suggest only purchasing 1 Bit Coin from a seller for the first time. This is suggested because purchasing more than 1 Bit Coin from a seller you have not ordered from before is very risky, you need to make sure that they deliver your first Bit Coin order first. Only once you are comfortable with their deliveries you can order more.

Step 3 - Pay for your Bitcoin and wait for your order to be delivered - Make the arrangements to pay for your purchase and have it delivered, either electronically or physically. After you have paid for your purchase, it can take up to 2 hours for your Bitcoin to be deposited into your wallet or check your sellers shipping time-frame's of Bitcoin if you ordered physical Bit Coin.

Follow the above steps and you will have statistically decreased your odds of becoming a victim of a Bit Coin Scam.

Written by: K. Thompson

Bitcoins USD

Bitcoin is so hot right now that many people are asking me how to buy Bitcoins with US Dollars (Bitcoins USD).

But, before I reveal a couple of great options for you, I must remind you that buying electronic currencies on the internet can be risky. You need to avoid private sellers and deals that seem too good to be true. Because Bitcoin is not regulated, you have no real way to ensure your transactions protection. What you might want to look for is if your Bitcoin seller offers a guarantee on delivery of your Bitcoin, both in electronic and physical form. If you follow this advice, your chances of things going wrong are greatly decreased.

These are the top 3 Bitcoin websites based on analytics:

#1 Buy Bitcoin - This company opened it's doors at the beginning of the Bitcoin gold-rush and continues to supply Bitcoin to customers around the world.

#2 MtGox - One of the largest company's around, MtGox is another great choice of many.

#3 BitInstant - Based on data, BitInstant is the third largest Bitcoin website, however, this company is currently offline.

If you are looking for more options in finding a Bitcoin seller, try using Google or Yahoo. Also, be sure to check the reputation of the seller and their deposit or shipping policy.

Written by: K. Thompson

USD Bitcoin

Converting your USD to Bitcoin is a very simple and easy process. Shopping with Bitcoin will bring you many benefits. You can have Bitcoin added to your wallet in under 2 hours and be shopping with it in no time.

Follow my helpful steps below to convert USD to Bitcoin:

Step 1 – Determine how much Bitcoin you would like to purchase

You should know roughly how much Bitcoin you would like to purchase. The average rate lately for 1 Bitcoin is $100.00 USD. Just like any other currency, Bitcoin prices fluctuate as well. Try and make sure that you are getting the best Bitcoin rates.

Step 2 – Locate a reputable Bitcoin seller

For a lot of people, this can be the most challenging decision. Because no government regulates Bitcoin, the risk of fraud is quite high. Only purchase your Bitcoin from trusted and reliable sellers, stay away from private sellers. Two mainstream sellers we recommend are Buy Bitcoin and MtGox. Both sellers offer extremely low rates and guarantee your purchase.

Step 3 – Place your order and wait for your Bitcoin

If you have ordered Bitcoin to be deposited to your wallet, it can take up to 2 hours to appear. If you have ordered Physical Bitcoin to be delivered to your home, please check your sellers shipping page to get an estimate on time of delivery.

As always, be smart with your online purchases. Never buy more than 1 Bitcoin from a seller until you have seen that they deliver. Buying Bitcoin from a seller that you do not know and has not been around a long time can be very dangerous. Please use all safety precautions when ordering Bitcoin.

Written by: K. Thompson

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dollars To Bitcoin

Are you looking to convert your dollars to Bitcoin? If you are, we have a reputable list of Bitcoin Sellers to purchase from, they are:
  1. Buy Bitcoin Inc. ( - Buy Bitcoin is North America’s #1 Bitcoin Seller. Backed by a purchase guarantee and low rates, this company is a great Bitcoin seller.
  2. Coin Base ( - Coin Base can be used with your US Bank Account and transactions can be completed as quickly as 4 days.
  3. MtGox ( - MtGox is another great Bitcoin seller. Trusted and loved by many.
Whomever you decide to buy your Bitcoin from, just make sure that the seller is reputable or recommended. Avoid any too good to be true deals, also, stay away from private sellers.

Written by: K. Thompson

How Do I Buy Bitcoins

Buying Bitcoins online safely and securely is easy if you know to order from.

Listed below are the steps for a person to follow who is interested in purchasing Bitcoin:
  1. Decide Amount of Bitcoin - decide how much Bitcoin you would like to buy. For the latest rates, please see:
  2. Find Reputable Seller – find a reputable seller to purchase your Bitcoin from. For this we suggest Coin Base or Buy Bitcoin. 
  3. Place Your Order – Pay for order and submit, wait for Bitcoin to be deposited to your wallet, which can take up to 2 hours. If ordering physical Bitcoin, check the sellers shipping time frames.
When purchasing Bitcoin on the Internet make sure that you follow the proper safety precautions. Never deal with private sellers or too good to be true schemes. If your gut is warning you, chances are it is right and you should wait to make your purchase until you feel comfortable.

Written by: K. Thompson

Bitcoin How To Buy

Many people know me as the Bitcoin junkie, and it’s true – I love Bitcoin. I have been following the currency since it begun and I am a believer in it.

One of the main questions I receive from people is, “how to buy a Bitcoin?” and, I tell them this:

Research The Company –Bitcoin is unregulated and considered a risky endeavour  it is always good to research the seller before you purchase from them.

Private Sellers – Stay away from private sellers. The risk of being scammed is too high.

Try It First - Make 1 order and after you receive that order, order more if you choose to.

I highly recommend using a service such as, Buy Bitcoin or Bit Instant. Both companies have great reviews and offer exceptional service. As with any online transaction, only purchase from reputable and recommended websites.

Written by: K. Thompson

Where To Buy Bitcoins

You are interested in purchasing Bitcoins and you are looking for a reputable seller with great feedback, if so - read below.

After a full 2 days of research, I have put together my top 3 selections based on analytics, they are:

#3 Coinbase ( - Coinbase offers a simple and easy way to buy, use, and accept Bitcoin. Coinbase also works with mobile wallets and features low fees (only 1%).

#2 BitInstant ( - BitInstant is temporarily down and it is unknown when it will be back online. I hesitated to put this on the list but data does not lie, BitInstant is a very large Bitcoin website.

#1 Buy Bitcoin ( - Buy Bitcoin is our primary choice because of many pleasant dealings. The company has great reviews and quick service.

Only use reputable and recommended services. If you are interested in purchasing Bitcoin from a website on the Internet, make sure to do your research on the company before sending out any of your money.

Written by: K. Thompson