Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bitcoin How To Buy

Many people know me as the Bitcoin junkie, and it’s true – I love Bitcoin. I have been following the currency since it begun and I am a believer in it.

One of the main questions I receive from people is, “how to buy a Bitcoin?” and, I tell them this:

Research The Company –Bitcoin is unregulated and considered a risky endeavour  it is always good to research the seller before you purchase from them.

Private Sellers – Stay away from private sellers. The risk of being scammed is too high.

Try It First - Make 1 order and after you receive that order, order more if you choose to.

I highly recommend using a service such as, Buy Bitcoin or Bit Instant. Both companies have great reviews and offer exceptional service. As with any online transaction, only purchase from reputable and recommended websites.

Written by: K. Thompson

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