Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bitcoin Robbery

If you are interested in purchasing Bitcoin, you need to be aware of Bitcoin robbery. When purchasing Bitcoin online, you must always follow safety precautions. You must also avoid private sellers and schemes that seem too good to be true.

Whether you are new or old to Bitcoin, please read the advice below to ensure your purchase of Bitcoin is a safe one.

Question: How can people freely rob a person of Bitcoin?

Answer: Because Bitcoin is not regulated by any government, there is virtually no laws on the currency. You must always use verified sellers and buy in small amounts.

Question: How can I find verified Bitcoin sellers?

Answer: Reading reviews of consumers purchases with the company can be a good start in knowing if a company is reliable. Also, a quick Google or Yahoo search on a company can tell you a lot of things.

Question: Who do you recommend to buy Bitcoin from?

Answer: Many people ask me this question and I tell them these three sources: Buy Bitcoin, BitInstant and CoinBase.

Written by: K. Thompson

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