Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How To Buy A Bitcoin

Everyone wants to know how to buy a Bitcoin safely, let’s examine a few safety precautions you should put in place:

1.     Use A Reputable Company – Looks can be very deceiving, only give money to a Bitcoin company that has been in business for at least 3 months and has a good rating.

2.     Buy Small – Start out purchasing 1 Bitcoin, once you have received it, order another if you want. Make sure to repeat with small orders until you feel comfortable with spending more money.
3.     Do Not Buy Private – If researchers know anything about private sales, it’s that your chances of getting burned is much higher.  Dealing with an anonymous private seller on the Internet to buy an anonymous currency is as stupid as it sounds. There have also been many stories of people being robbed of money meeting in person to buy Bitcoin.

The two Bitcoin companies I recommend are Buy Bitcoin and BitInstant. Both companies have a solid record for good customer satisfaction and are quick with their execution and delivery time.

Written by: K. Thompson

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